Old Server Online Temporarily

So I fired tsuki up tonight! The 200GB drive I had for my home directory is toast, but the 60GB that was the primary drive still yet lives, and its MySQL database with it! There’s a fairly large amount of data on it that belongs to people, so if you had an account there, let ... Read More

The Convention Conundrum

Here’s a scenario: you’ve found a {convention|hamfest|trade show|conference} you want to attend, have a hotel picked out, and have your method of transportation picked out. What you don’t know, though, is if you want to leave out Sunday evening or Monday morning. This was the scenario I ended up with in 2005 when it was ... Read More

Project Update

Sometimes I dislike slow days at work as I start reading and reading and reading. I reread the EVDO Stompbox Project and something clicked with me: I remembered the mini-PCI slot in my net4501. While I’ve only used mini-PCI cards in notebook computers over the years, I never had a need to use it in ... Read More

Importing Fun!

I imported the pre-FFXI blog posts from my other WordPress blog, so this goes back to 2006 now. Now to figure out how to pull the ones off the big server. I probably will boot with the original drives in first so I can grab those off it before I go nuts with the full ... Read More

Musings on Networks

A long time ago in a college campus not far from here, I sat and built out a notebook computer that I wanted on Dell’s website. As I went down the list of options, I picked most of the standard options until I got to one that stumped me, the network card. I had a ... Read More