Scaling Back

Every year I’ve looked at Anime Weekend Atlanta as more than a chance to hang out with friends from out of town because of the rather unique situation having several laptop wielders in the same hotel room can present. Therefore, I come up with all sorts of hair-brained network schemes to get everyone online from ... Read More

The AWA Post, Ver.XVI

It’s been a week since I returned from Anime Weekend Atlanta 16, so I figure it’s time to make the yearly post about the con. Play-by-play begins here↓ Thursday, September 16: I woke up a lot earlier this year than the previous years, excepting the two years I worked on Thursday, mostly because I needed ... Read More

The Importance of VPN Tunnels

DEF CON was this past weekend, and in usual fashion, the staff of the convention had projected onto a screen the “Wall of Sheep”: a list of usernames and obfuscated passwords that were transmitted in the clear on the convention’s wireless network. As DEF CON has doubtlessly the most hostile wireless network ever seen, ensuring ... Read More

eeeRouter Online!

Well, I had pfSense working for a wired interface, but once I enabled the wireless interface and a client connected to it, the machine hardlocked. I am not one to be defeated by technology, so I dug out my IPCop install disc and attempted to load that on instead. Sadly IPCop 1.4 does not have ... Read More

Netbooks as Routers

In my last post I talked about building an alternative to Cradlepoint’s routers, and as I’ve decided to use my Dell Mini 10v for my “carry” netbook, I’m looking at what to turn my Eee PC 901 into. The most obvious choice I’m seeing is loading pfSense on it and using it as a prototype ... Read More

Building a Better Cradlepoint

A random search of “T-Mobile Rocket Linux” on Google retrieved a post showing how to make the T-Mobile webConnnect Rocket Stick HSPA+ device work in Linux. This is relevant because as of June 17, the Atlanta metro area has HSPA+. In my adventures with embedded computing, I’ve come across the PC Engines ALIX boards. These ... Read More

The Netbook OS Shuffle, Part the Second!

In the end, the lack of xorgcfg and the seeming lack of documentation on writing a proper xorg.conf file led me to install Ubuntu Netbook Edition on the Eee. Works like a champ. Need to get a touchscreen installed now!

The Netbook OS Shuffle!

I’ve been doing some work on my Eee PC lately trying to decide which OS to load on it. I had Windows on it for a while and that worked, then I set it aside when I got the Dell Mini 10v and Hackintoshed it. I was going to set the Eee up for one ... Read More

Home Network Rearranging

With the last of /home dealt with, I will be powering tsuki down tonight to prep for a rebuild. In my locating its drives the other day, I noticed that I have a spare 160GB IDE drive. That will make a perfect start for it. Additionally, the 250W power supply that’s in the 2U case ... Read More