It’s been over a week since I got back from attending Anime Weekend Atlanta for the 16th year in a row, and if I had to be honest with myself, this really was the best one ever. It had nothing to do with the convention’s content but rather had to do with getting to hang ... Read More

Current State

Hi! It’s been ages since I wrote here… I’ll try to be better. I now am self-hosting my personal websites as I put a server in a local datacenter recently. It’s something fun, and hardening WordPress is now something more easily doable since I have root on the server. That’s all for now!

Server Consolidation

I spend a fairly large amount of time browsing /r/homelab because I, at one point, had a rudimentary “home lab” set up. It wasn’t anything fancy, mostly because back in 2003 or 2004 server virtualization wasn’t a big thing, as far as I can tell. It was mostly a firewall and single whitebox server with ... Read More